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Water Board Approves District Rate Restructure

admin September 18, 2014

PALMDALE, CA – The Palmdale Water District, by a 3-2 vote, approved a District-wide rate restructure that will standardize meter charges for all customer classes. A recent rate study conducted by Bartle Wells Associates, a third party independent consultant, concluded that a rate restructure will provide the funds necessary to recover the costs of operation, maintenance of infrastructure, and the ongoing capital and administration needs for the District.

“The stability of our water delivery system is the backbone of the District’s mission to provide clean, high-quality, affordable water to the community,” said Dennis LaMoreaux, General Manager of the Palmdale Water District. “Adjusting the rate structure for all customers will allow us to properly manage and maintain both water quality and our critical infrastructure.”

The new structure creates a 55% fixed 45% variable cost recovery from water rates which balance revenue stability, while rewarding customers conserving water with a new “essential” use tier based on indoor use and an “efficient” use tier based on outdoor use.

“The rate plan provides the customer with conservation incentives that promote water savings through the new “efficient” use tier,” said Kathy Mac Laren, President of the Palmdale Water District Board of Directors. “We created a balanced approach for all customers by homogenizing meter charges and giving cost control to the customer on how much water they choose to use.”

Since 2010, the District has experienced a 16% increase in energy costs to operate ground water wells and booster stations that deliver water throughout the community and, due to inflation, a 57% increase in necessary replacement costs per linear foot of pipe.

“The approval of this new rate structure will enable the District to generate the revenue to fund the District’s capital improvement program which includes the replacement of our aging pipelines, wells, booster stations, and fleet,” said Matthew Knudson, Assistant General Manager of the Palmdale Water District. “The new plan will ensure the credit rating of the District remains solid, so the rate payers are able to obtain long-term financing at a reasonable interest rate for large infrastructure and water supply projects.”

The passage of the new rate restructure plan allows the District to continue investing in water treatment and testing technologies to guarantee that drinking water remains safe and clean, while diversifying water resources to ensure the community has a sufficient water supply throughout prolonged drought periods.


Cover for Palmdale Water District
Palmdale Water District

Palmdale Water District

The overall objective of the District is to make available the highest quality water at the lowest price.

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PWD AGM Scott Rogers joined the #AVEDGE Fall Forum today to share information about Pure Water AV, the area’s first advanced water treatment project that will pave the way for water resilience & long-term community benefits. Our Board was on hand to support Scott and learn about the region’s transportation & infrastructure plans.💧#PWD #AVEDGE #ANTELOPEVALLEY
PWD AGM Scott Rogers se unió al Foro de Otoño #AVEDGE hoy para compartir información sobre Pure Water AV, el primer proyecto de tratamiento avanzado de agua de la zona que allanará el camino para la resiliencia del agua y los beneficios comunitarios a largo plazo. Nuestra Junta estuvo presente para apoyar a Scott y aprender acerca de los planes de transporte e infraestructura de la región.💧#PWD #AVEDGE #ANTELOPEVALLEY
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PWD AGM Scott Rogers joined the #AVEDGE Fall Forum today to share information about Pure Water AV, the area’s first advanced water treatment project that will pave the way for water resilience & long-term community benefits. Our Board was on hand to support Scott and learn about the region’s transportation & infrastructure plans.💧#PWD #AVEDGE #ANTELOPEVALLEY 
PWD AGM Scott Rogers se unió al Foro de Otoño #AVEDGE hoy para compartir información sobre Pure Water AV, el primer proyecto de tratamiento avanzado de agua de la zona que allanará el camino para la resiliencia del agua y los beneficios comunitarios a largo plazo. Nuestra Junta estuvo presente para apoyar a Scott y aprender acerca de los planes de transporte e infraestructura de la región.💧#PWD #AVEDGE #ANTELOPEVALLEYImage attachment

🍂 Fall is here! Time to adjust your watering schedule! 💧 To help you save water, PWD recommends watering two days a week, with three 5-minute sessions per watering day. This schedule helps plants absorb water more efficiently & reduces waste! #WaterWise #FallWatering #PWD
🍂 ¡El otoño ya está aquí! ¡Es hora de ajustar tu horario de riego! 💧 Para ayudarle a ahorrar agua, PWD recomienda regar dos días a la semana, con tres sesiones de 5 minutos por día de riego. Este horario ayuda a las plantas a absorber el agua de manera más eficiente y reduce el desperdicio. #AhorroDeAgua #RiegoDeOtoño #PWD
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🍂 Fall is here! Time to adjust your watering schedule! 💧 To help you save water, PWD recommends watering two days a week, with three 5-minute sessions per watering day. This schedule helps plants absorb water more efficiently & reduces waste! #WaterWise #FallWatering #PWD
🍂 ¡El otoño ya está aquí! ¡Es hora de ajustar tu horario de riego! 💧 Para ayudarle a ahorrar agua, PWD recomienda regar dos días a la semana, con tres sesiones de 5 minutos por día de riego. Este horario ayuda a las plantas a absorber el agua de manera más eficiente y reduce el desperdicio. #AhorroDeAgua #RiegoDeOtoño #PWD

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Thanks for this important information.

We are proud to announce that the Palmdale Water District’s Public Affairs Department has received two Awards of Excellence tonight at the 60th annual PRism Awards! 🎊 These honors recognize our impactful events, including the groundbreaking for Pure Water Antelope Valley and our innovative Water Ambassadors Academy in the community relations category. Thank you to our community for your continued support as we continue to work together to improve and achieve milestones! 🏆 🎉 #PWD #CommunityExcellence
¡Nos enorgullece anunciar que el Departamento de Asuntos Públicos del Distrito de Aguas de Palmdale ha recibido esta noche dos Premios a la Excelencia en la 60ª edición anual de los PRism Awards! 🎊 Estos honores reconocen nuestros eventos impactantes, incluyendo la colocación de la primera piedra de Pure Water Antelope Valley y nuestra innovadora Academia de Embajadores del Agua en la categoría de relaciones comunitarias. ¡Gracias a nuestra comunidad por su continuo apoyo mientras seguimos trabajando juntos para mejorar y lograr hitos! 🏆 🎉 #PWD #ExcelenciaComunitaria PRSA LPRSA Los Angeles Chapter
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We are proud to announce that the Palmdale Water District’s Public Affairs Department has received two Awards of Excellence tonight at the 60th annual PRism Awards! 🎊 These honors recognize our impactful events, including the groundbreaking for Pure Water Antelope Valley and our innovative Water Ambassadors Academy in the community relations category. Thank you to our community for your continued support as we continue to work together to improve and achieve milestones! 🏆 🎉 #PWD #CommunityExcellence 
¡Nos enorgullece anunciar que el Departamento de Asuntos Públicos del Distrito de Aguas de Palmdale ha recibido esta noche dos Premios a la Excelencia en la 60ª edición anual de los PRism Awards! 🎊 Estos honores reconocen nuestros eventos impactantes, incluyendo la colocación de la primera piedra de Pure Water Antelope Valley y nuestra innovadora Academia de Embajadores del Agua en la categoría de relaciones comunitarias. ¡Gracias a nuestra comunidad por su continuo apoyo mientras seguimos trabajando juntos para mejorar y lograr hitos! 🏆 🎉 #PWD #ExcelenciaComunitaria  PRSA LPRSA Los Angeles Chapter

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Thank you, Robert E Alvarado!

Congratulations ‼️

🚨 PWD is recruiting for a Resource and Analytics Management Analyst. This position involves performing technical administrative duties, preparing reports, managing budgets, and coordinating energy programs. For more information and to apply, visit: #PWD #waterpros
🚨 PWD busca un Analista de Gestión de Recursos y Análisis. Este puesto implica realizar tareas administrativas técnicas, preparar informes, gestionar presupuestos y coordinar programas energéticos. Para obtener más información y presentar su candidatura, visite: #PWD #waterpros
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🚨 PWD is recruiting for a Resource and Analytics Management Analyst. This position involves performing technical administrative duties, preparing reports, managing budgets, and coordinating energy programs. For more information and to apply, visit: #PWD #WATERPROS 
 🚨 PWD busca un Analista de Gestión de Recursos y Análisis. Este puesto implica realizar tareas administrativas técnicas, preparar informes, gestionar presupuestos y coordinar programas energéticos. Para obtener más información y presentar su candidatura, visite: #PWD #WATERPROS

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Another great job opportunity.

🔧🚰 PWD Op-Techs are all smiles while working on the quarterly maintenance of the pressure-reducing valves! The valves reduce pressure from higher elevation zones to lower ones and help maintain water quality. Routine maintenance ensures they function correctly and allows us to catch potential issues early. Great job, team! 😄 #PWD #optechs
🔧🚰 ¡Los técnicos de PWD son todo sonrisas mientras trabajan en el mantenimiento trimestral de las válvulas reductoras de presión! Las válvulas reducen la presión de las zonas más elevadas a las más bajas y ayudan a mantener la calidad del agua. El mantenimiento rutinario garantiza su correcto funcionamiento y nos permite detectar posibles problemas a tiempo. ¡Gran trabajo, equipo! 😄 #PWD #optechs
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🔧🚰 PWD Op-Techs are all smiles while working on the quarterly maintenance of the pressure-reducing valves! The valves reduce pressure from higher elevation zones to lower ones and help maintain water quality. Routine maintenance ensures they function correctly and allows us to catch potential issues early. Great job, team! 😄 #PWD #OPTECHS 
 🔧🚰 ¡Los técnicos de PWD son todo sonrisas mientras trabajan en el mantenimiento trimestral de las válvulas reductoras de presión! Las válvulas reducen la presión de las zonas más elevadas a las más bajas y ayudan a mantener la calidad del agua. El mantenimiento rutinario garantiza su correcto funcionamiento y nos permite detectar posibles problemas a tiempo. ¡Gran trabajo, equipo! 😄 #PWD #OPTECHSImage attachmentImage attachment

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Way to go guys‼️

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